Top 3 Early Warning Signs of a Bad UC Vendor

Dec 6, 2021 | By Convergent

Unified Communication (UC) vendors are not all cut from the same cloth. Each vendor has its own pros and cons. For example, some may have competitive pricing, while others may have superior remote models. Whether you are looking for a UC vendor or already partnered with one, here are our three top warning signs to look for and avoid.

Warning #1: They Make Excuses

Excuses are one of the first signs that you may encounter when working with a bad vendor. When a problem arises, is your vendor quick to identify and resolve the issue, or is the blame shifted elsewhere?

Your company deserves a vendor that takes pride in excellent customer service and unified communications. A good UC vendor should address the issues of concern in a timely manner to maintain a long-term business partnership.

Warning #2: One Size Fits All

Each business is unique in whom and what they serve, and so should your security solutions. UC vendors claiming to provide a "one size fits all" service should be avoided at all costs.

The main job of a UC vendor is to design and implement solutions that are specific to your needs. Anything else could result in paying more for technology or services that would have otherwise not been necessary.

Warning #3: Fixing Rather Than Preventing

The third early warning sign of a bad UC vendor is that they are fixing problems more than preventing them. If your business frequently submits work tickets or is frustrated with the help desk, it may be time to seek a new vendor.

An effective UC vendor should ensure that your business is getting the proper monitoring and reporting needed to excel. At Convergent, we have partnered with Mitel to provide our clients with customized secure UC services. Learn more about what Convergent offers and how you can better secure your network today.


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